Extensio Journal
Extensio is an outreach electronic journal launched by the Prorectorate for Culture and Outreach in 2004. Issued triannually, with a national and international circulation, the interdisciplinary journal aims to disseminate outreach activities developed at UFSC and in other institutions, as well as to promote the further development of conceptual and methodological issues related to the practice of Outreach.
In September, 2008, Extensio was incorporated into UFSC Journal Portal and adjusted to the Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER).
In the following year, it began to invite ad hoc evaluators to be part of its editorial team – which has received the valuable contribution of professors from various states in Brazil and from abroad – and also to conform to the national and international standards of publication so as to increase its ranking in Qualis (a Brazilian official system that classifies scientific production).
Extensio journal is available here: http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/extensio