Outreach Coordinators by Departments

Below you will find the list of outreach coordinators at UFSC by academic departments, with their respective contact information.

School of Agricultural Sciences (CCA) Florianópolis
Department of Aquaculture Flávia Lucena Zacchi flavia.zacchi@ufsc.br
Department of Food Science and Technology Katia Rezzadori katia.rezzadori@ufsc.br
Department of Rural Engineering Sergio Ricardo Rodrigues de Medeiros sergio.medeiros@ufsc.br
Department of Plant Science Roberta Sales Guedes Pereira guedes.r.s@ufsc.br
Department of Animal Science and Rural Development Cristiano Desconsi marilia.gaia@ufsc.br
School of Biological Sciences (CCB) Florianópolis
Department of Cell Biology, Embryology and Genetics Luciane Cristina Ouriques luciane.ouriques@ufsc.br
Department of Biochemistry Rozangela Curi Pedrosa rozangela.pedrosa@ufsc.br
Department of Botany Juliana de Paula Souza j.paula.souza@ufsc.br
Department of Physiological Sciences Domitila Augusta Huber domitila.huber@ufsc.br
Department of Ecology and Zoology Michele de Sá Dechoum michele.dechoum@ufsc.br
Department of Pharmacology Anicleto Poli poli.anicleto@ufsc.br
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology Fabienne Antunes Ferreira fabienne.ferreira@ufsc.br
Department of Morphological Sciences Cristiane Meneghelli Rudolph cristiane.meneghelli@ufsc.br
School of Communication and Arts (CCE) Florianópolis
Department of Arts Alessandra Soares Brandao alessandra.b73@gmail.com
Department of Design and Graphic Expression Adhemar Maria do Valle Filho adhemar.valle@ufsc.br
Department of Management, Media and Technology Gabriel de Souza Prim gabriel.prim@ufsc.br
Department of Journalism Carlos Augusto Locatelli carlos.locatelli@ufsc.br
Department of Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) Janine Soares de Oliveira janine.oliveira@ufsc.br
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Marcos Antonio Morgado de Oliveira marcos.morgado@ufsc.br
Department of Vernacular (Portuguese) Language and Literature Luana Barossi luabarossi@gmail.com
School of Health Sciences (CCS) Florianópolis
Department of Clinical Analysis Izabel Galhardo Demarchi i.g.demarchi@ufsc.br
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Angela Machado de Campos angela.campos@ufsc.br
Department of Surgery João José de Deus Cardoso joao.jose.cardoso@ufsc.br
Department of Internal Medicine Antonio Reis de Sá Junior antoniorsjr@gmail.com
Department of Nursing Aline Lima Pestana aline.pestana@ufsc.br
Department of Dentistry Etiene de Andrade Munhoz timunhoz@gmail.com
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics Evandro Russo evandroru@gmail.com
Department of Nutrition Marcela Boro Veiros marcela.veiros@ufsc.br
Department of Pathology Camila Marchioni camila.marchioni@ufsc.br
Department of Pediatrics Mauricio Jose Lopes Pereima mauricio.pereima@ufsc.br
Department of Public Health Maria Cristina Marino Calvo cristina.calvo@ufsc.br
Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Fernanda Zucki Mathias fernanda.zucki@ufsc.br
School of Law (CCJ) Florianópolis
Department of Law Daize Fernanda Wagner Silva daize.wagner@ufsc.br
School of Sports (CDS) Florianópolis
Department of Physical Education Valmir Jose Oleias valmir.oleias@ufsc.br
School of Education (CED) Florianópolis
Department of Information Science Nathalia Berger Werlang nathalia.werlang@ufsc.br
Department of Rural Education
Department of Specialized Studies in Education Rodrigo Diego de Souza rodrigo.diego.souza@ufsc.br
Department of Teaching Methodology Lara Rodrigues Pereira lararp81@gmail.com
Laboratory School (Colégio de Aplicação – CA) Victor Julierme Santos da Conceição victor.julierme@ufsc.br
Child Development Center (NDI) Caroline Machado Momm carolmachadom@yahoo.com.br
School of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH) Florianópolis
Department of Anthropology Edviges Marta Ioris emioris@gmail.com
Department of Philosophy Alexandre Meyer Luz meyerluz@hotmail.com
Department of Geosciences Everton da Silva everton.silva@ufsc.br
Department of Geology Rodrigo de Almeida Heringer rodrigo.heringer@ufsc.br
Department of History Soraia Carolina de Mello oraia.carolina@ufsc.br
Department of Psychology Leandro Castro Oltramari leandro.oltramari@ufsc.br
Department of Sociology and Political Science Anais Medeiros Passos anais.passos@ufsc.br
Special Coordination for Museology Luciana Silveira Cardoso luciana.silveira@ufsc.br
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (CFM) Florianópolis
Department of Chemistry Adriana Passarella Gerola adriana.gerola@ufsc.br
Department of Physics Juliana Eccher juliana.eccher@ufsc.br
Department of Mathematics Paulinho Demeneghi p.demeneghi@gmail.com
Special Coordination for Oceanography Paulo Roberto Pagliosa paulo.pagliosa@ufsc.br
School of Socio-Economic Sciences (CSE) Florianópolis
Department of Administrative Sciences Larissa Kvitko kvitko.la@hotmail.com
Department of Accounting Vladimir Arthur Fey cleyton.ritta@ufsc.br
Department of Economics and International Relations Wagner Leal Arienti wagner.arienti@ufsc.br
Department of Social Work Cristiane Luiza Sabino de Souza crisabino1@gmail.com
School of Technology (CTC) Florianópolis
Department of Architecture and Urbanism Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos rodgonca@gmail.com
Department of Automation and Systems Marcelo Ricardo Stemmer marcelo.stemmer@ufsc.br
Department of Civil Engineering Patricia de Oliveira Faria patricia.faria@ufsc.br
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Joceli Mayer joceli.mayer@gmail.com
Department of Knowledge Engineering Jurandir Sell Macedo Junior jurandir.sell.macedo@ufsc.br
Department of Mechanical Engineering Jose Antonio Bellini da Cunha Neto bellini@lmpt.ufsc.br
Department of Production and Systems Engineering Marco Antônio de Oliveira Vieira Goulart marco.goulart@ufsc.br
Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering Cintia Marangoni cintia.marangoni@ufsc.br
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe pedro.chaffe@ufsc.br
Department of Informatics and Statistics Roberto Willrich roberto.willrich@ufsc.br
School of Sciences, Technologies and Health (CTS) Araranguá m.zannin@ufsc.br
Special Coordination for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Marcelo Zannin da Rosa m.zannin@ufsc.bra>
Special Interdisciplinary Coordination for Information and Communication Technologies Paulo Cesar Leite Esteves paulo.esteves@ufsc.br
Department of Computer Science Lenon Schmitz lenon.schmitz@ufsc.br
Department of Health Sciences Joao Matheus Acosta Dallmann acostadallmann@gmail.com
Department of Energy and Sustainability Katia Cilene Rodrigues Madruga katiamadruga08@gmail.com
School of Technology, Exact Sciences and Education (CTE) Blumenau jose.w.cruz@ufsc.br
Special Coordination for Materials Engineering Lorena Raphael Rodrigues lorena.rr@ufsc.br
Department of Automation and Control Engineering and Computer Science Cristina Luz Cardoso cristina.cardoso@ufsc.br
Department of Textile Engineering Ana Julia Dal Forno ana.forno@ufsc.br
Department of Exact Sciences and Education Eslley Scatena Gonçales e.scatena@ufsc.br
Department of Mathematics Louise Reips l.reips@ufsc.br
School of Rural Sciences (CCR) Curitibanos
Special Coordination for Biosciences and One Health Cibely Galvani Sarto cibely.sarto@ufsc.br
Special Coordination for Biological and Agricultural Sciences Viviane Glaser v.glaser@ufsc.br
Department of Agriculture, Biodiversity and Forests Monica Aparecida Aguiar dos Santos monica.santos@ufsc.br
Department of Natural and Social Sciences Eliseu Fritscher eliseu.fritscher@ufsc.br
Joinville School of Technology (CTJ) Joinville
Department of Mobility Engineering Rafael Gallina Delatorre rafael.delatorre@ufsc.br

Last updated on 30 August 2023.