Junior Enterprises

A Junior Enterprise is a non-profit, student-run organization that provides consulting services in its area of expertise, with the support and guidance of supervising professors.

Student members of Junior Enterprises have the opportunity of applying knowledge and methodology learned in class and validating complementary activities for the completion of their undergraduate degrees.

Junior Enterprises are also a way of generating learning through practice, creating an entrepreneurial culture, developing a sense of responsibility and interpersonal skills, and establishing contact with the market and society. Hence, they are an important outreach activity.

UFSC was a pioneer university in the foundation of Junior Enterprises in Southern Brazil. The Junior Action – formed by Administration, International Relations, Economics and Accounting Science students – was the first to be established in 1990, before the creation of the Santa Catarina Federation of Junior Enterprises (FEJESC) in 1994.

In 2012, a Junior Enterprise Management Committee was founded with the aim of monitoring the activities carried out by students within these organizations. It is currently chaired by the Prorector for Outreach and Extension, Prof. Rogério Cid Bastos.

Learn more about Junior Enterprises at UFSC: http://empresasjuniores.paginas.ufsc.br/


Resolution no. 08/CUn/2010 – regulates the process of creation and regulation of Junior Enterprises at UFSC.

Resolução no.  90/CUn/2017 – sets out the bylaws of Junior Enterprises at UFSC.