Open University for Older People (NETI-UNAPI)

UFSC Open University for Older People (NETI-UNAPI)
The Open University for Older People (NETI-UNAPI) at UFSC offers various activities, such as lectures, courses and workshops, to stimulate the mind, body and sociability of older people, promoting their well-being and new learning throughout life.
Formely known as Center for Third Age Studies, NETI was founded in 1982 by Professors Lúcia Hisako Takase and Neusa Mendes Guedes. It was the first program in Brazil to have the characteristics of an Open University for Older People and is now a reference in the care of older people.
Based on the university’s three pillars – teaching, research and outreach – it promotes intervention projects for the community, study centers, and participation in research projects. By integrating older people into the academic community, it also promotes a multidisciplinary and intergenerational university environment.
Over the years, NETI-UNAPI has remained faithful to its principles of valuing older people and has reinforced its commitment to the development of public policies and professional training in the area of gerontology.
The teaching staff is made up of volunteer professionals (independent and/or retired), UFSC faculty and staff members engaged in outreach activities, and student interns.
To learn more, visit NETI-UNAPI website: