Projeto Rondon
Projeto Rondon [Rondon Project] is a social integration project coordinated by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense with the voluntary participation of university students in search of solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of disadvantaged communities and increase the welfare of the population. It is carried out in partnership with several ministries and the support of the Armed Forces, which provide the necessary logistical support and security for the operations.
The project has the collaboration of state and municipal governments, as well as of socially responsible companies. Its actions are oriented by a guidance and supervision committee constituted by representatives of the Ministries of Defense, Agricultural Development, Social Development and Fight against Hunger, Education, Sports, National Integration, Environment, Health, and of the General Secretariat of the Presidency.
- To contribute to the education of university students as citizens;
- To integrate the university student in the national development process, through participatory actions on the reality of the country;
- To consolidate the sense of social and collective responsibility in the university student, in favor of citizenship, development and the defense of national interests;
- To encourage the production of local collective projects by university students, in partnership with the assisted communities.
What does Projeto Rondon do?
The “rondonistas”, as are called the university professors and students that take part in the project, carry out activities in the areas of Communication; Culture; Human Rights and Justice; Education; Environment; Agriculture; Health; Technology and Work. In each chosen municipality, two Higher Education Institutions are selected through an open call for the development of activities connected to the projects developed by the Rondon teams. The teams work in the municipality for two weeks and, after a two-day training, in the capital of the state in which they will act.
Learn more about Projeto Rondon at UFSC here.
UFSC Participations
- 2022
o Operation Amapá – Tartarugalzinho
- 2019
o Operation João de Barro – Paquetá / Piauí
- 2018
o Operation Pantanal – Nioaque / Mato Grosso do Sul (watch the video 1, video 2, video 3)
- 2017
o Operation Tocantins – Natividade / Tocantins
- 2016
o Operation Forte dos Reis Magos – Pedro Velho / Rio Grande do Norte
- 2015
o Operation Mandacaru – Baturité / Ceará (watch the video)
o Operation Itacaiúnas – Araguatins / Tocantins (watch the video)
- 2014
o Operation Velho Monge – Alto Longá / Piauí (watch the video)
o Operation Guararapes – Pedras de Fogo / Paraíba (watch the video)
- 2013
o Operation São Francisco – Pão de Açúcar / Alagoas
o Operation Forte do Presépio – Maracanã / Pará (watch the video)
- 2012
o Operation Pai Francisco – Olinda Nova do Maranhão / Maranhão
o Operation Açaí – Ponta das Pedras / Pará
- 2011
o Operation Rio dos Siris – Ilha das Flores / Sergipe
o Operation Seridó – Florânia / Rio Grande do Norte
o Operation Zabelê – Picos / Piauí
- 2010
o Operation Mamoré – Vale do Anari / Rondônia
o Operation Catirina – Igarapé do Meio / Maranhão
o Operation Centro-Nordeste – Ichu / Bahia
- 2009
o Operation Nordeste-Sul – Restinga Seca / Rio Grande do Sul
o Operation Centro-Norte – Monte Alegre / Pará
o Operation Centro-Norte – Rio Preto da Eva / Amazonas
- 2008
o Operation Inverno 2008 – Tomar do Geru / Sergipe
o Operation of Xingu – Uruará / Pará
o Operation Grão-Pará – São Caetano de Odivelas / Pará
o Operation Grão-Pará – Joaquim Pires / Piauí
- 2007
o Operation Centenário da Comissão Rondon – Vitória do Jari / Amapá
o Operation Amazônia Oriental – João Lisboa / Pará
- 2006
o Operation Amazônia 2006 – São Gabriel da Cachoeira / Amazonas
- 2005
o Operation Amazonas 2005 – São Gabriel da Cachoeira / Amazonas
Coordinator at UFSC:
Prof. Alcides Milton da Silva